June 17
So, you are a Craftee Moderator..2014
Now what?
So, you have finally made it to the "big-time"!
You are a Moderator on Crafteemc.com!
This is NOT a position to take lightly my friend. Mod status is something earned through YEARS of demonstrating that you are a responsible Minecraft player on Crafteemc.com!
Here is a listing of the in-game commands YOU, as a Crafteemc.com Moderator will use to maintain a friendly and fun gaming environment for all!
/tempban playername 10m
Will ban a playername for 10 minutes.
/ban playername reason
Will BAN a playername with a short reason.
/unban playername
Unbans playername.
/kick playername reason
Boots playername from the server
/invsee playername
Used to check the inventory of playername.
/mute playername 5m
Will mute playername for 5 minutes. No time given will be forever.
/mute playername
Will UNMUTE a previously muted player.
PLEASE Email Crafteemc@gmail.com if you BAN someone. I would like to know the reason and date/time if you could.
BAN on sight! Anyone who claims to be from PlanetMinecraft and is "reviewing" servers to list. Feel free to troll them and kill them a few times before banning.
You should /mute anyone advertising another server. If they login, spam chat then logoff, perma ban them and let me know.
Feel free to mute anyone for a few minutes who is being a complete jerk. Players who troll CONSTANTLY sometimes distract others from playing.