Feb 15
How to work with Tradesigns!2011
So, you want to make some in game $ or trade with others for stuff? Heres how you do it!
You start with $500 and you can use trade signs to trade items with other players.
You can trade items for items, items for money, or money for items.
Pictured below is the syntax for a trade sign.
If you type something incorrectly, it will throw an error message and invalidate the sign.

EXAMPLE 1: In the first example, we will buy 1 diamond for $50.
We will deposit $250 on the sign, which means we can buy a total of 5 diamonds since $50 times 5 equals $250:
Type THIS on a sign... | To get THIS tradesign |
[trade] 1 diamond $50:250 |
[Trade] 1 diamond:0 $50:250 btfingermcfury |
Every time someone with a DIAMOND clicks on the sign, they will be PAID $50.
EXAMPLE 2: In the second example, we will sell 32 arrows at a price of $5 per 10 arrows.
You must have the 32 arrows with you when you place the sign, otherwise it won't work.
Type THIS on a sign... | To get THIS tradesign |
[trade] $5 10 arrow:32 |
[Trade] $5:0 10 arrow:32 btfingermcfury |